Sunday, January 16, 2011

Download Lagu gayus | Lirik lagu Andai Aku Jadi Gayus Tambunan

Lagu Gayus – Download videos and songs are most popular today is the spread of Gaius song and video entitled "If I'm So Gaius Tambunan. " This song became controversial for Gaius songwriter who was just a fad it even now become a major problem for these Gaius songwriter. Allegedly singer and songwriter was named Bona Paputungan Gaius age of 32 years, creating songs for fun only with the title song "If I'm So Gaius Tambunan. "

However, the current singer and songwriter Gaius these rumors get the terror of the unknown person on Saturday, the threat via a mobile phone sms Bona. Following exposure of Bona in an interview on terror is "The caller claimed a member of Detachment (Special Detachment) 88. He was threatened, my family and I will be killed "and also delivered by Bona authorlagu gayussuch that the number is 08128648 ***. peneror

Here is a video or song snippets lagu gayus tambunan:

And Gaius lyrics are as follows:

If I'm So Gaius Tambunan

March 11
Myself went to prison
My initial lead
The process of the detention period

Life in prison
I feel very heavy
My body lean
Because the burden of thinking

We are a weak person
Did not have any power
Can not do much
Like the corruptor

If I Gaius Tambunan
What could be going to Bali
All wishes
It must be fulfilled

The funny thing in this country
Punishment can be purchased
We are a weak person
Resigned to the situation

October 7
kubebas from prison
Breathing fresh air
Remove suffering

O brother
And his best friend
Do your best
Do you have the wrong direction

If I Gaius Tambunan
What could be going to Bali
All wishes
It must be fulfilled

The funny thing in this country
Punishment can be purchased
We are a weak person
Resigned to the situation

Let all the memories
Bitter memories
in life

If I Gaius Tambunan
What could be going to Bali
All wishes
It must be fulfilled

The funny thing in this country
Punishment can be purchased
We are a weak person

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