Monday, February 21, 2011

Learn Programming Languages ASP. NET | Download ASP.NET

Active Server Pages (ASP.NET) is one Microsoft product that is currently widely used by developers to develop Internet applications for the benefits provided by ASP.NET to increase the productivity of developers in building dynamic web sites with high performance.

ASP.NET development is based on the development. NET technology. Where is the sense of. NET technologist i is a new platform in the programming to large distributed environment (the internet). Term. NET is often associated with processes running on the platform. NET.Salah one form of the hallmarks of this platform terrefleksi on compiling the source code (source code), where all the source code will be compiled into Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL).

Next MSIL will be compiled by the. NET compiler into machine language when used pda .. NET is also a tool untu realize the vision of Microsoft in Internet network by establishing a global network that can interact with each other to provide services and exchange data in a more efficient and secure in terms of data security.

ASP.NET web developers can increase productivity because it has a flexible choice of language that differentiates from ASP Classicyang can only interpret VBScript and JScript only. Additionally, ASP.NET is also equipped with a good support tools to facilitate development and is also rich in the classes of the framework without requiring additional components to build an application.

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