Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Continued Case Video Mirip Ariel dan KD

Recently, many emerging gosip2 a video nasty between Kris Kristofferson and Ariel Paterpan. Kris Kristofferson is known as KD was very, very denies gossip-gossip there is. Kris Kristofferson guarantee 1,000 percent do not have a porn video with Nazriel Irham (Ariel). Even to assure security, the KD is ready to die if found in the video.

Jakarta, Tuesday, July 6, 2010 at Jalan Kebon Jeruk KD moment when found in Studio Penta to the point that came out of the Kris Kristofferson said: "I am 1,000 percent guarantee there will not be found obscene videos-KD Ariel that he practically identical,". Here, all the reporters chasing news of KD, where KD-even seems a little angry with the existence of these issues and very very very sorry to the people who are fun to make gosip2 first unconfirmed truth

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