Monday, July 12, 2010

Continuing cases gosip video ariel dan velove

Monday, July 12, 2010 OC at once (the father Velove Vexia) when found in South Jakarta Police Headquarters in Jalan Trunojoyo, he was reluctant to comment on his feelings now rumored to have a porn video with Ariel. "I am with child child relationship with the father. So Velove Vexia ask, do not ask me," she said when interviewed by reporters associated with the existence of a video nasty gossip ariel with Velove Vexia.

Although Oc at once so furious with the emergence of such gossip, but he still believes that the video ariel and Velove daughter was mere gossip and no evidence of its truth. But the most unfortunate of fathers velope "why my daughter is also used as a video nasty gossip with ariel paterpan". "The point is always professional, I have no authority to comment. I'm just here to provide legal assistance to Ariel and Luna," he said firmly when dikejar2 journalist hunter info.

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