Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Foto dan Video Tsunami Mentawai

Mentawai Tsunami which occurred on 25 October 2010 and then really make the Mentawai ruins. Tsunami Victims Mentawai to date has reached 154 bodies of tsunami victims Mentawai of West Sumatra. According to the Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Harmensyah, data tsunami victims Tsunami Mentawai Mentawai and damage while the alleged victim is still missing 400 people, were seriously injured admitted to hospital about 15 people, slightly injured 25 people.
And for data that is damaged houses: houses of worship damaged five units, three units of elementary school, high school one unit and five-unit bridge. Here are Photos and Images Mentawai Tsunami Victims Tsunami malignancy / Earthquake Tsunami:Foto Tsunami Mentawai dan Foto Korban keganasan Tsunami / Gempa Tsunami:

Untuk Video Tsunami Mentawai bisa kita saksikan disini:

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