Sunday, December 26, 2010

Gempa Pasifik Barat 7,6 SR menjadi Ancaman Tsunami

Western Pacific tsunami threat after 7.6 magnitude quake shook the area near Vanuatu in the western Pacific on Sunday, December 26, 2010 morning local time. With the occurrence of an earthquake measuring 7.6 Richter shocks mejadikan Western Pacific tsunami threat, according to Supervisor said the United States Geological (USGS). Sunday 26 December 2010 the Central Pacific Tsunami United States Trustees (PTWC) confirmed the existence of the tsunami threat to Vanuatu, Fiji and New Caledonia shortly after the 7.6 magnitude quake shook the area near Vanuatu in the western Pacific.

The quake was centered 135 miles west of Isangel at a depth of a shallow sea near Vanuatu in the Pacific north west and 200 kilometers Tadine in the Loyalty islands, New Caledonia. Where USGS / Supervisor United States Geological explain that the earthquake there dikedalaman 24 kilometers from the surface of the water.

According to the United States Trustees Pacific Tsunami quake may Vanuatu mngakibatkan Vanuatu tsunami which is estimated at around 18:38 pm local time around 18:59 and New Caledonia and Fiji at 20:12 local time. This time it was investigated whether the impact of the earthquake is really a threat of a tsunami. And wargapun warned to berwaspada when the tsunami hit

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