Monday, December 13, 2010

Kesaksian Cut Tari | Hasil Persidangan Ariel dan Cut Tari

Continuation Session Ariel Paterpan - The trial of this new ariel, Cut Tari willing to talk honestly about the events of Ariel Paterpan hot video with Cut Tari. Cut Tari beautiful artist-even acknowledges that there are girls on video hot ariel really himself, but Cut Tari not remember that the making of these videos are hot in the location where he has been forgotten. Here are expressly Hotman when found in the food court rest area, "do not remember Cut Tari place where, of course it lighten the indictment to Ariel" on Monday, December 13, 2010 in Cikampek KM 18 West Java.

With the existence of an honest acknowledgment of dance there is likely to be cut to relieve the indictment ariel ariel paterpan about hot video that spread in cyberspace. Whereas in the case of hot videos of this ariel Ariel indicted as a propagator of his own hot video. Hotman said about ariel trial where witnesses are cut cliennya or dance, "The preparation will speak the truth, tell what's in the BAP. There was no strategy, talking frankly wrote. " Currently ariel siding will keep running and no definite decision that the punishment will be received by this paterpan handsome artist.

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