Sms valentine does not mean only to our lovers, but sms valentine also means as an expression of affection to our closest family and friends, let's celebrate this day of love with each other a happy Valentine's mengucapakan for a loved one or loved ones, following a collection of valentine sms and greeting valentine, may be useful:
U r d beat of my heart
Lover of my soul
I'll never leave U
& Never let go wanna U
U r d beat of my heart
d 1 That make me sing
d 1 WHO makes me smile
& I never seem to cry
U r d beat of my heart
d 1 I really love
Do not let me out of Ur sight
For I'm yours by heart
Happy Valentine's Day
All I want only you
You're a What would be mine
to accompany this affection night
i luv u beb ..
when you shed tears
you lose your love
aq come to bring love
and aq say I LOVE YOU
Do not Wait Until it's too late
to tell someone how much you love,
how much you care.
Pls Because they're gone,
no matter how loud you shout and cry,
They will not hear you anymore
liver when trapped by love
This moment could not help myself
and carried away by the thrill of love
cintamau oooh how beautiful her valentine day
They say the moon is beautiful ... but I said no.
They say the planet Venus is beautiful ... but I think not.
I say the earth is beautiful and pretty ... because there you the earth.
Who says god is not fair
Who says God does not exist
they were all a lie
proof god created you
Titin Mpok clever swing
congratulations dear valentine
All I want only you
You're a What would be mine
to accompany this affection night
i luv u beb ..
Love looks not with
the eyes
with the mind
is therefore
winged cupid painted
Blind ...:)
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