Friday, November 12, 2010

Lowongan CPNS Lampung and Registration 12 November 2010

CPNS Lampung 2010 –Registration has opened CPNS Lampung starting this Friday November 12, 2010. Where information CPNS Pesawaran Bandar Lampung District, the total overall needs in the District Pesawaran CPNS around 1900 personnel, the central government approved the receipt of 319 civil servants for 2010. Here are words from Sekdakab Pesawaran, Kesuma Dewangsa, in Pesawaran on Wednesday yesterday, "Mechanism of acceptance is also still the same as previous years, registration will be tentatively based on the last postmark as of 12 November to 19 November 2010, but we'll see later, "he explained.

Little information only, for the problems that will diujiankan usually use the national standard that is the basic competence test (TKD), which consists of three items. First, he went on, about the scale of maturity, both about scholastic aptitude, while the third is a matter of common knowledge. Decisive Sekdakab Pesawaran, Kesuma Dewangsa, "Because relatively the same as last year, about who should do the participants about 100 questions, with time the process reaches 120 minutes"

based on the principle of consent of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform Number: 164.F/M.PAN-RB/07/2010 July 21, 2010. And for the allocation of Regional CPNS Year 2010 from general applicants for District 219 Pesawaran erdiri formation from 55 technical personnel formation, 66 formations and 98 health personnel teacher formation. And for further information please CPNS official or the information below

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