Thursday, November 11, 2010

Plan a Boy - men or women...

 tips membuat anak laki , membuat anak perempuan , membuat anak cowok , membuat anak cewek Cara mendapatkan anak Cowok ataupun Cewek - How to get a guy or a girl child - For couples couples usually want to plan to get a boy or a girl. Many couples today couples who wish to plan to make child Male or Female. Well, here's some tips - tips for planning a pregnancy or plans to make child-sex male or female:

The first thing to do at the time of intercourse are the two sides seedlings should be healthy both male sperm and ovum of the woman. sperm from males are carriers of two kinds of sperm are sperm (Y) and sperm (X), where sperm (X) when meeting with the egg and conception occurs it will result in the child WOMEN. And conversely, sperm (Y) when meeting with the egg and conception occurs it will result in the child Laki.

Due to Sperm (X) is its shape when viewed under the microscope a little more than sperm (Y), more able to survive in mrs.V and in an atmosphere of acid (acid resistant). With this understanding, then we need to set is to determine the ambience mrs.V before we act of intercourse. Because the level of acidity mrs.V indeed greatly affect egg fertilization.

Planning For Girls we need to do is:
1. Fifteen to twenty minutes before intercourse, mrs.V rinse with a mixture of one tablespoon of vinegar kitchen (15 cc) with 200 cc of clean water.
2. It is recommended that husband and wife eat lots of vegetables to eat meat that can provide a natural acid in the atmosphere mrs.V.
3. performed intercourse on fertile period, is recommended from day 2 on your fertile period.

For Planning Boy - men we need to do is:
1. Intercourse done in the fertile period should start on day 2 of the fertile period.
2. It is recommended that a husband who is a high protein meal, like meat and wife are encouraged to eat a neutral or slightly acidic like his vegetables etc..
3. Fifteen to twenty minutes before intercourse mrs.V rinse with a mixture 1sendok (15 cc) Soda Cake with 200 cc of clean water.

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