Thursday, November 11, 2010

Program Membuat Anak – Tips Cepat Punya Anak

Susah punya anak ? do not give up, first trytips membuat anak from here and while praying MUST be descendants .... This is my little way of sharing orprogram membuat anak for married couples sulit mendapatkan anak. Here Cara Program Membuat Anak:
1. First make sure you and your spouse in a state of good health and not under pressure or stress.
2. Better intercourse performed 7 days after menses, so that the wife entered the fertile period. Woman's fertile period is 7 days after menses until 7hari before menses.
3. Do not do Relations agencies too often, so the condition cairansperma in a state of strong and thick. 2 days should be performed once at night so cairansperma can properly fertilized.
4. At the time of the act of intercourse woman suggested below and ass propped up with pillows and blankets folded so cairansperma not come out again and immediately fertilized with the egg.
5. Do not do a lot of activity for several minutes after the act of intercourse or relations Sek.Perlu supported with vitamins to strengthen the egg cell and the fertility of girls
6. If you suppose that is still not pregnant women are advised to check the content of medicine, there are fears the disease or problem in selsperma or selovum.

Okay good luck, hopefully quickly find the descendants or children who lucu.thx

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